Saturday, July 12, 2014

A Year and Then Some

Guys, I'm really bad at remembering to actually update my blog. So...sorry about that.

But here I am now...and so many things have happened that I can't even begin to describe them all. It's like they to day nothing changes, but when I look back I realize that somehow everything has changed. Anyways, I guess all I can really do is describe what's going on now. 

I've been in Taiwan for more than a year. Man, it feels weird to type that. It seems like just yesterday I was nervously boarding the plane at the airport in Minneapolis, unsure whether I was doing the right thing. I still remember my first few nights in Taipei so clearly...sometimes if I revisit some of my old stomping grounds from those days I can experience those emotions all over again. 

Life as an expat is really interesting. In a very good way, usually, but also sometimes in ways that make me want to just hide in my apartment. But my overall feeling is that this is where I'm supposed to be right now. For every annoyance, there are about ten things I love, so I guess dealing with a few extra hassles is really worth it in the end. 

Right now, Taiwan is entering the height of its summer heat, which means that my electricity (aka air conditioning) bill is also at its most expensive and I'm pretty sure I'm in a constant state of almost-dehydration. I also spend a significant amount of time and money hanging out at cafés, because...cold drinks, air conditioning, free wifi, waffles galore...need I go on? I love Taiwan, but I'm definitely not here for the weather...

So basically, I feel really at home here now. I've definitely changed a lot in the past year. For one thing, my Chinese has improved quite a bit (though it definitely has a long, loooooong way to go). I am not afraid to wander around new parts of the city by myself because my directional skills have gotten better (again...still not stellar, but improving..and I mean, Google maps exists for a reason, right?) I've grown to really like some stuff that once seemed super strange to me (tofu pudding with boiled peanuts, anyone??)

Gosh, I don't even know where to end this post. This year has meant so much to me. It's been such a beautiful experience in so many ways that I could never have dreamed up. I'm so grateful that God has been orchestrating this since way back in 2011,  and that he somehow convinced me--shy, timid, dependent little me--to move to the other side of the world in order to make me more and more into the person I'm meant to become. I am excited for the day when I can go back to the states for a visit, because I really miss a lot of people there...but for now I'm just really content with the path I've taken in life, because overall it's just so stinkin' great right now.