Wednesday, July 3, 2013


I have only been in Taipei for about a week, but I'd like to share a few observations I've made since arriving.

1) Sometimes "it doesn't have any meat in it" actually means "it might have some chicken in it"

2)There are creepy middle-aged construction workers in every country.

3)We Americans are louder than we realize.

4)It sucks when you get home and realize that the 7-11 guy gave you a skinny straw for your jelly drink.

5)It's hard to find rubbing alcohol at the store when you can't read Chinese and don't know how to explain it in Chinese to the people working there.

6)Maybe this one is just me, but I feel uncomfortable when I see other white people here that I don't know.

7)Taiwanese people are super friendly. I realize that's a huge generalization, but all the people I've met so far are friendly. Except the security guard in this apartment building...he's helpful, but a little scary sometimes.

8) Night markets are all fun and games until you walk past the boiled organs stand.

9)This is more of a question, can Taiwanese people not be much fatter than they are with all these delicious bakeries everywhere?

10) Tofu is way better here than when I try to cook it myself. I think I'll leave that to the pros.

Basically...I'm having a pretty great time here so far, thanks to all the friends who have been helping along the way. I can't emphasize enough how grateful I am for them, because without those kind people who have given up their time and energy to help us, this experience would be a much harder one. Hopefully someday when I'm settled and more experienced in Taipei life, I can pay it forward.

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