Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The Journey of a Thousand Miles (7155.8 Miles, to be More Exact)

My journey to Taiwan is just beginning. Currently, I am working, working, and working some more to save the money I need. I'm applying for Taiwan jobs here and there if they are something I'm really really interested in and trusting that if I get one of those "dream jobs" then God will make things work out if it's what he wants for me.

I was really hoping to be in Taiwan by now, but for various reasons it just didn't work out that way. You know what, though? I'm ok with it now. I'm working with some pretty great people and getting to know some new people, and I'm really, really glad I have the chance to do that.  I'm finding that the Lord has a purpose for me wherever I am, and that I don't have to be on some grand adventure living in another country in order for life to be exciting and fulfilling. Moving to Taiwan is still my goal and I'm still working really hard to get there, but I'm learning to be content in every situation.

My beautiful friend Lauren has already landed a job in Taipei and is going to be there within the month, and I am so so happy for her. But I'm also a little itsy bitsy bit jealous. :) I know she's going to have a great time and do a great job there, but I can't wait to be there with her!

This is Lauren...look how precious she is with her sugary tomato-prune-kabob!

Whenever I get frustrated that I'm not able to go yet, I just try to remind myself that the Lord's timing is best, so I shouldn't insist on doing things MY way. I have to remember that godliness with contentment is great gain (1 Tim. 6:6). I have more than I need and God will provide for whatever it is he has in store for me...my job is simply to be content with what God has given me.

So for now, I'm living life and taking joy in getting to know the people I have the privilege to be with right now!

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